Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sew What It's Summer - Week #10

I'm so far behind in sewing and in posting. Summer has gotten the best of me and my temptation to relax and chill before the lazy summer days are gone has completely taken over.  Although I'm two week behind I did manage to complete Week #10 challenge - Nautical.

For the nautical challenge I create a two toned shirt with a navy theme. The top was a slightly stretchy polka dotted blue chiffon and the bottom was a striped blue and gray tissue knit. Both of the fabrics matched perfectly, which I've said before is a rare occurrence in my little corner of the world.

I used Vogue 8877 to create the shirt. Mostly I wanted something comfy and breezy and summery. I don't know why but once summer arrives I seem to wear everything two sizes two big. Maybe it's the heat.

I was diligent and read the pattern reviews online, learning that some people
thought the shirt was too big, so I cut exactly my size and then opted for a wide seam allowance and to do french seams. I can concur that after all of that, the first time I tried on the shirt is seemed huge. Weird part is the bottom fit great but the top was big in an odd drapey way.    The "short" sleeves came down to at least my elbow  and there was an excess gather of fabric in the armpit area. I was not impressed.  Right is a picture of me in the unimpressive shirt. It doesn't look to bad in the pic but something about it in person just didn't look right.

I ended up removing about three inches from each sleeve and moving the armpit hole up about three inches as well.  Once that was done the shirt looked much better. Below are some pictures of the finished product - you can see I still have not polished my self-picture taking skills.

So onto next week's challenge. maybe I can find a few extra days to try and catch up!



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